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The Zika Max Defense Property Protection Program

A highly effective, environmentally safe program created by Hawkeye Global Technologies to combat the mosquito virus epidemic. Ideal for hotel and private or public properties, the Program offers continuous maintenance and management of the property utilizing Zika Max Defense protectant and repellent products.


Who Benefits


​The Zika Max Defense Property Protection Program is designed to protect and defend environments from the proliferation of the biting female Aedes aegypti and Anopheles mosquitoes carrying Zika and other dangerous, infectious viruses.


Properties best suited for the Program are hotels, schools, private commercial buildings, public parks, church properties, even private residences. Waterfront properties especially benefit from the Program.


​The Program Model


A property is analyzed and a free quote given for a customized maintenance program. Each program is designed to treat the grounds of the property utilizing the Zika Max Defense Property Protection Program. This program consists of an arsenal of products and environmentally safe formulas incorporating botanical oils, holistic extracts and other proprietary ingredients effective in repelling mosquitoes from human populations. Continued maintenance and analysis of the property prevents reproduction, eradicates larval development then prevents repopulation. Each formula is designed to handle a specific environmental application. The property is fully analyzed and appropriate formulas or devices are installed or applied to manage each particular ‘zone’ or area identifying each environment. As the program evolves, the protocol changes to act upon current conditions. Revisions are constant as weather conditions, change of seasons and other environmental factors as well as the progression of the formulas progressively affect each zone.


Hawkeye Global Technologies has developed the Zika Max Defense Property Protection Program as an organized system of application to manage an entire environment, zone by zone, and the evolution from one stage to the next. This is a unique system, not available elsewhere. Each program is designed to fully manage a property and escalate results in gradients of effectiveness.


Most properties have 20 to over 100 zones which have their own climate, moisture levels, sun exposure, waste or trash areas, outer buildings, open or closed areas or levels and degree of the human population. For example, a ground level patio area of hotel restaurants is ideal for the female Zika mosquito (only the female, preparing for reproduction, is in search of hemoglobin). She hides under tables and chairs, even closets and is a day-feeder, unlike other mosquitoes. The Zika mosquito is a hybrid and has evolved to survive. The normal rules of engagement do not apply to the biting Zika female, it requires ground combat, not ineffective aerial spraying with toxic pesticides.


Aerial Spraying, Fogging and Environmental Effects


Ground level areas are not remedied by aerial spraying and can harbor more biting females than an open beach area or walkway. Most mosquitoes can fly or be drawn in an updraft to several stories, but normally they hunt in a height up to 25 feet. So aerial spraying from elevated heights causes the material to merge with ambient humidity and become highly diluted. This renders the active ingredient ineffective to flying mosquitoes before it reaches the 25-foot active target height. Biting female mosquitoes hiding under furniture, especially in the patio or covered areas are also unaffected by the air content of aerial spraying at ground level. However, the residual fallout enters our lungs, waterways and the ground.


The chemicals used in aerial spraying are toxic especially to children and unborn babies. Please read the attachments below to better understand the high risk to health and the environment. You will see that the main ingredients used are highly toxic and adversely affect humans, animals, fish and insects and is a leading cause of death to vital pollinating bees, bats and other helpful mosquito-eaters.


The primary chemicals used for mosquito control are DDT, scourge, anvil, permethrin, and malathion. Three are synthetic insecticides. DDT was banned in 1972 because of its harmful effects on the environment, but it is used in many other countries where regulations are lax. Malathion is an organophosphate insecticide and is the primary ingredient currently being used in fogging or aerial spraying of the Zika mosquito. While it is being dumped in large quantities from the air, it is supposed to kill adult mosquitoes that are flying, it doesn't kill mosquitoes that are not directly in its path if it is sufficiently concentrated to reach the target height zone. However, it is highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates, amphibians and necessary pollinating insects such as honey bees, not to mention the acute and long-term chronic neurological health problems caused by even moderate exposure to this toxic chemical, especially for those with compromised immune systems (children, the elderly or those with illness). The EPA has been reviewing malathion for an extended period of time for its potential as a carcinogen. Its use is banned in the EU due to harmful effects on the environment and children.  


This is a short excerpt from the National Pesticide Information Center:(


  • Malathion is toxic via skin contact, ingestion, and inhalation exposure.

  • Malathion and other organophosphate insecticides bind to the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) at nerve endings throughout the bodies of insects and other organisms. Under normal circumstances, AChE binds to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) at the nerve junction, effectively ending the stimulation of the next neuron. When AChE is bound by malathion's metabolite malaoxon, ACh accumulates at the nerve junction and results in overstimulation of the nervous system.

  • Bioactivation of malathion is necessary for it to exert its toxic effect. Bioactivation is primarily mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver, which creates the active metabolite malaoxon through oxidative sulfuration.

  • Malaoxon is considered to be 22 times more toxic than the parent malathion from acute dietary exposure and 33 times more toxic by all routes of exposure from short-term and medium-term exposures.

  • The organophosphate pesticides, including malathion, share a common mode of action. Exposure to multiple organophosphates can lead to additive toxicity. However, the different organophosphates vary widely in their potency and how well they are absorbed by the body depending on the route of exposure.

  • Storage of malathion products for a long period of time may allow the accumulation of degradation products that inhibit the liver enzymes responsible for malathion detoxification.  

  • Heating malathion may also lead to the formation of isomalathion, which is a potent AChE inhibitor.

  • Malathion is also an ingredient in shampoos regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to control head lice.

  • Signal words for products containing malathion may range from Caution to Danger. The signal word reflects the combined toxicity of the active ingredient and other ingredients in the product. See the pesticide label on the product and refer to the NPIC fact sheets on Signal Words and Inert or "Other" Ingredients.


If reading just this section of the information causes alarm, consider the effect you may have on your guests or employees while trying to 'control' the spread of the Zika or other insect viruses. Fogging and use of these toxic ingredients may cause long-term health damage especially with repeated exposure. The Zika epidemic is going to remain with us for a long period of time, if not indefinitely.


Initial efforts, panic-driven, have proven to be ineffective. USA Today, May 3, 2016, reported: Controlling Zika mosquitoes may be a 'lost cause'. The Director of Texas' Public Health and Environmental Services stated "We cannot spray our way out of this. Aerial spraying won't get to the mosquito that's sitting on the wall in your bedroom."


A Safe, Effective Solution


The opportunity to offer a safe, eco-friendly solution may be demonstrated to the public by use of the Zika Max Defense Property Protection Program.  Using only environmentally and human-friendly ingredients and formulations, a safe, long-term solution is possible. Compared to malathion and other pesticides, our formulas can be used extensively and with great success in eradicating mosquito reproduction and repelling biting insects, specifically targeting the Aedes aegypti and Anopheles female mosquitoes which carry Zika, dengue, West Nile, chikungunya and malaria viruses.


These are the identifying factors and actions taken in developing a property protection program:


  1. Each area of the property is dissected and identified as a zone.

  2. Once identified, an initial program is created to apply appropriate solutions to that zone.

  3. Each zone is monitored to establish control and begin the gradient process of elimination.

  4. A safety level is established for that zone and maintained by trained Zika Max Defense operators.

  5. Video recordings of results per zone are provided to the property manager for review.

  6. As conditions change, the operator advances the system to accommodate the changes and maintains or improves the results in that zone.

  7. Zika Max Defense formulas and equipment designed to attract, destroy and allow evaluation of mosquito breeding population are implemented in the Program.

  8. Ongoing maintenance of the program continues the effectiveness, continues reducing reproduction and prevents mosquito repopulation.


Public Safety Concerns


Recently, a disastrous event took place in a resort hotel in the Virgin Islands. A local exterminator used an illegal toxin which migrated from an empty suite to the occupied suite above. The result was the near-death of an entire US family. The neurotoxins have permanently disabled the entire family, causing neurological damage and paralyzing three victims. Methyl bromide was incorporated into the extermination formula, a practice the company, Terminix, has been guilty of in other cases. Fines were imposed, but the family has no hope of recovery.


These and other fears, including recently released information making headline news of the dangerous long-term effects of aerial sprays, overexposure to DEET repellents, pesticide and insecticide exposure damage to the unborn children, links to autism, behavioral disorders, asthma, and more. Long-term health issues are yet to be fully understood.

As a property owner or manager, environment management becomes a matter of public perception and safety concerns. Compared to the bad press created by the Virgin Islands luxury property disaster, presenting a desire to safely protect guest, workers, and visitors from current virus fears offers a welcome solution. The Zika Max Defense Property Protection Program is a highly workable solution the public can embrace and appreciate. The Zika concern has highly affected tourism and travel. Offering a safe, protected environment is attractive to those concerned about their environment or health concerns regarding exposure to so-called solutions currently offered.



West Nile Virus comes from the same mosquito as Zika, dengue, and other dangerous viruses. The following 8 points relate as well to these other transmission viruses. The article below outlines additional information regarding the effects and dangers of spraying pesticides.





Eight Reasons Why Spraying Pesticides is Not the Solution to West Nile Virus

by Rebecca Watson, Spring 2003


How much of a risk is West Nile Virus (WNV)? To some extent, only time will tell. But public health experts stress that there is no cause for fear and panic, or for panic-driven "solutions."  In fact, the so-called "solution" of spraying pesticides to kill mosquitoes will actually lead to bigger problems. Here are eight compelling reasons why spraying pesticides is not the answer to WNV.


1. Least Effective Measure

The US Center for Disease Control and other experts say that spraying or fogging is the least effective means for slowing the spread of WNV carrying mosquitoes.  For fogging to have maximum effect, a mosquito has to be flying. Estimates are that fogging kills only about 10% of adult mosquitoes. The federal-provincial task force on WNV admits there is little evidence for the efficacy of insecticide spraying.  Adult mosquitoes live only about two weeks, with new larvae hatching constantly. This means that spraying cannot be a one-shot operation, but needs to be repeated frequently if chosen as a means of control.


2.  Predators Harmed, Mosquitoes Thrive

Aerial spraying or fogging is more harmful to mosquito predators than to mosquitoes. Since predators are farther up the food chain, they will take in higher amounts of pesticide. By decreasing mosquito predator populations, aerial spraying actually leads to increases in mosquito populations. Data from a study in New York State published in the Journal for Mosquito Control found that after 11 years of insecticide spraying, the mosquito population had increased 15 times. Pesticide exposure also results in immune suppression in birds, which serve as the hosts for (viruses).   Birds exposed to organophosphate pesticides tend to suffer immune suppression (as do mammals, amphibians and other animals.) This makes them less able to fight off viral and bacterial infections, the very opposite of what is needed. Once infected with WNV, birds are more likely to develop symptoms and to remain ill longer than if they had not been exposed. Thus, pesticide spraying leads to more frequent and longer infections and higher viral loads in birds, making it more likely they will spread the disease to mosquitoes. This increases the possibility of mosquitoes transmitting the virus to humans and other mammals.


3. Super Mosquitoes, Sicker Mosquitoes

For some reason, as yet unknown, mosquitoes exposed to pesticides are more likely to have WNV in their salivary glands and develop a damaged gut lining which becomes more porous, allowing WNV to pass through. Over a decade of insecticide spraying to control encephalitis in Florida has not been effective, and mosquitoes are now 15 times more likely to pass on the disease. Mosquitoes, which have short life spans, go through many generations in a single year. The mosquitoes which are exposed to pesticides and survive are more likely to develop resistance to them. So aerial spraying contributes to the development of "super mosquitoes" which can only be killed by using higher amounts or different types of pesticides.


4. Immediate Human Health Effects

Immediate health effects on humans from exposure to sprayed pesticides are considerable. A letter from 26 prominent physicians and scientists in Quebec released last summer states, "Indiscriminate spraying of pesticides, especially in heavily populated urban areas, is far more dangerous to human health and the natural environment than a relatively small risk of West Nile Virus... Ironically, such spraying is especially dangerous to those with impaired immunity for whose 'protection' such spraying is mainly being done. Those individuals who are most vulnerable in this chemical action against mosquitoes include children, pregnant women, the elderly, chemically sensitive and immunosuppressed individuals, such as patients with AIDS and cancer, and people suffering from asthma and other allergies."


Organophosphates are the most common class of pesticides used in mosquito control sprays. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), they are "efficiently absorbed by inhalation, ingestion and skin penetration" and were "the class of pesticides most often implicated in symptomatic illnesses among people in 1996."


5. Long Term Health Effects

Pesticides used in mosquito control can contribute to immune suppression in humans. A report from the World Resources Institute notes, "Impairment of the immune system by chemical pesticides can lead to allergies, autoimmune disorders such as lupus, and cancer. It may also lead to infections to which one may be normally resistant."  People with weakened immune systems are the most vulnerable to WNV. Thus, in the long term, aerial spraying may actually increase the number of people who become seriously ill from (viruses). And immune system suppression has serious implications for other diseases as well, including SARS.


Malathion, Naled and Resmethrin are pesticides commonly used in mosquito control. Malathion, an organophosphate, is neurotoxic. It is the most common pesticide used in aerial spraying. In studies on rats, pesticides were shown to impair the blood-brain barrier. In humans, the more serious effects of WNV occur when the virus crosses the blood-brain barrier. Malathion, like all members of the organophosphate family, disrupts nervous system function. Besides causing headaches, nausea and diarrhea, it has been linked to gene damage causing attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). Other health hazards identified in laboratory studies include damaged sperm, altered immune function, increased incidence of breast tumors, and increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.


Naled is another organophosphate which disrupts nervous system function, also causing headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. Naled is most toxic when exposure occurs by inhalation. Lab tests connected exposure to Naled's breakdown product, dichlorvos, to aggressiveness and deterioration of memory and learning. Dichlorvos is also classified as a carcinogen and interferes with prenatal brain development.


Resmethrin is considered by the World Health Organization as a "neuro-poison." Its effects on the human nervous system are similar to its effects in insects. Lab studies on rats showed that Resmethrin interfered with reproduction, increasing numbers of stillborns even at the lowest exposure tested.


6. Long Term Environmental Effects

Most of the pesticides presently used for mosquito control do not selectively target mosquitoes. Malathion, Naled, and Resmethrin kill all insects. This includes hundreds of beneficial insect species that pollinate crops and keep pests under control.  Malathion is known to contaminate water and is classified as highly toxic to most species of fish. In 1999, 90% of adult lobsters in Long Island Sound were killed by malathion used on land. Fish kills in the thousands have been reported following mosquito spraying. Since some species of fish feed on mosquito larvae, this is doubly counterproductive. Other organisms that feed on mosquito larva are also killed. Bird populations are also threatened. According to New York State wildlife pathologist Ward Stone, more of the birds sent to his unit for examination in 2000 died from pesticides than from WNV. Among the more frequent causes of bird death were broadband insecticides from the organophosphate category such as Dursban, diazinon, and ethyl parathion. Organophosphates used in mosquito control add harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to the atmosphere and are precursors of ozone (smog) forming chemicals. This means they are contributors to global warming.


7. Keep Risk in Perspective

While the image of a new killer virus from the tropics is scary and makes for good media material, public health experts at all levels are attempting to help people put WNV in perspective. West Nile Virus is less dangerous than the flu. Only 1% of mosquitoes carry the WNV, even in places where WNV has been common for years. Because of our climate, the virus is not expected to overwinter, but would likely be reintroduced each year through bird migration. Less than 1% of people bitten by infected mosquitoes will have any symptoms, and most of those will be equivalent to the one-day flu or headache. Studies in New York when WNV was most widespread found thousands of people who tested positive for WNV but had never experienced any symptoms of illness. People bitten by infected mosquitoes, even those who experience no symptoms, will develop lifetime immunity to the disease. In Africa and Europe, the virus occurs in cycles, with typically three years of human infections in late summer, with the majority of infections in the first year of a cycle. Then the virus fades into the background, and may not reappear for many years. (However, long-term health effects are only now being studied, just as with dengue fever).


8. Taking a Long-term Approach

WNV may be one of a number of tropical diseases which will spread to our geographic area with global warnings. Instead of panic and sensationalism, we need a rational, long term problem-solving approach which is healthy for humans and the environment.  Reducing mosquito breeding sites (standing water), known as source control, is the most effective mosquito control method. Since adult mosquitoes seldom travel more than 1 kilometer, source control in a neighborhood can be extremely effective and quite non-toxic.  Experts stress the value of source controls such as mechanical flushing of sewer catch basins and introduction of dragonfly larvae in nearby ponds and lakes. These methods have been practiced with great success in Wells, Maine for 26 years.  Maintaining healthy mosquito predator populations is an important part of a mosquito control strategy.  Eliminating mosquito larvae, through predators and biological means and if absolutely necessary via pesticides, is far more effective than trying to kill adult mosquitoes. And ultimately, the most effective defense against WNV is a healthy ecosystem and a healthy immune system in humans, birds and other species.

As a property owner or manager, environment management becomes a matter of public perception and safety concerns. Compared to the bad press created by the Virgin Islands luxury property disaster, presenting a desire to safely protect guest, workers, and visitors from current virus fears offers a welcome solution. The Zika Max Defense Property Protection Program is a highly workable solution the public can embrace and appreciate. The Zika concern has highly affected tourism and travel. Offering a safe, protected environment is attractive to those concerned about their environment or health concerns regarding exposure to so-called solutions currently offered. Additional birth defects have been linked to these viruses. Offering a safer environment is the key to good public relations.


Contact Hawkeye Global


Learn more about this unique solution-based program to safely manage and eliminate mosquito populations carrying dangerous viruses including Zika, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, malaria, and other biting insects viruses.

A property review, initially by video or a Hawkeye Global specialist, offers a general understanding of the zone levels and property potential for mosquito proliferation overall. An installation and maintenance program is outlined as a project quote.



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